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Project and development

Norwegian Property has extensive experience developing buildings and districts, where people and meeting places are central to our business. We are concerned with the buildings, what is inside them, and the life that unfolds between them.

Destination and project development

Norwegian Property continuously engages in both new development projects and upgrading existing properties to meet the market's needs and the company's sustainability goals. We have a strategic approach to property management, with long-term leases with solid tenants. We attach great importance to environmentally friendly and energy-efficient building operations, and many of our projects are certified according to international environmental standards, and must satisfy current taxonomy requirements. We are concerned with the buildings, what is inside them, and the life that unfolds between them.

The Project and Development departments has a broad area of ​​responsibility that includes everything from large transformation projects to smaller rehabilitations and tenant adaptations. Our vision of creating good meeting places is closely linked to the purpose of our projects, where we see the value of in-house expertise in all phases from regulation and development to implementation. We are actively involved in all phases of the projects, which ensures holistic and customer-tailored development.

Reuse Park in Nydalen

We constantly challenge ourselves in how we can operate buildings and areas more sustainably. In order to learn how we can implement recycled materials in projects, we have now established a recycling park in Nydalen.

Read more about the project
Reuse Park, Nydalen
Gjerdrums vei 17

Unique Architecture – Modern and deliberate Design

Nestled under the trees by the waterfall at the top of Nydalen, Farveriet is located at Gjerdrums vei 17.

Once home to Nydalens Compagnie, where they dyed their yarn products, this historic site is now being transformed into a state-of-the-art office property, preserving its historical details. It is the perfect property for those who desire a distinctive building and a workplace with a strong identity.

The property will undergo a complete renovation, featuring new and exciting interior solutions. The building's historical character will be preserved in the interior details and blended with a modern aesthetic using high-quality materials and color schemes. The floor plans are designed for optimal organization and allow for flexible use of the spaces.

Gjerdrums vei 1-5

Gjerdrums vei 1-5

Moderne og fremtidsrettet kontorbygg

Perfekt plassert i Nydalen med nærhet til både Akerselva og Storo finner du Gjerdrums vei 1-5. Her skal Norwegian Property bygge et moderne og fremtidsrettet kontorbygg. Vi skal oppgradere hele eiendommen og øke funksjonalitet og tiltrekningskraft i området. Eiendommen ligger svært tilgjengelig med gangavstand til offentlige transportforbindelser, med nærhet til tog, T-bane og buss og god forbindelse til sykkelveinett og gangveier.

Høye miljøambisjoner og ivaretakelse av historisk bebyggelse

Bygget designes med mål om BREEAM-NOR Excellent sertifisering og energiklasse A som tilsvarer Zero Emission Building-standard. I utviklingen vektlegges bærekraftig byggepraksis for å minimere CO2-utslipp. Samtidig skal vi bevare og oppgradere de historiske nabobyggene, Dampen og Birkely, som er en viktig del av industrihistorien i Nydalen og langs Akerselva. Vi skal forsterke Dampens funksjon som samfunnshus, og videreføre følelsen av delt historie og samfunnsengasjement som preger Nydalen.


If you have any questions about our development projects, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Vidar Stokkeland

Vidar Stokkeland

Development Director


Sindre Kornrud

Sindre Kornrud

Project Manager



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